Introduction to me …

Hmm . . . how do I introduce myself? I do not suffer from false modesty, yet neither am I puffed up with my own self-importance.

I consider myself to be a non-intellectual, right-brain, yet very balanced man with a generous share of conscious intelligence.

People today talk of commonsense; this I have in abundance . . . but it is certainly not common.

My interests . . . to be honest I am not sure if I am a gardener who is a spiritual teacher, or a spiritual teacher who is a gardener. However, I do know that my love of gardening came first. I am passionate about life, and I am passionate about my involvement in it. I can say that I am spiritually enlightened, but for many people this is meaningless. I do know that I am passionate about my spiritual teaching. I Love humanity as a whole. I also Love the human spirit, the eternal souls whom we all truly are, and our immense human courage as we repeatedly incarnate back into our timeline and our ever-continuing story.

What next . . . of yes, I have written 23 books about my metaphysical travels in the Greater Reality. Also, naturally enough, a book on Conscious Gardening! I am also a prolific reader of fantasy and science fiction. With no false modesty, I can truthfully state that I am both an excellent writer and spiritual teacher. For 30 years I have enjoyed travelling the world teaching people about the holistic Truth of who they are, and year by year observing them growing in consciousness. To be involved in the growth of consciousness of a single person is a great gift. To be involved in the conscious growth of thousands of people . . . is priceless.

Hmm . . . this is probably enough about me. I am not a bore!

In Love and Light . . . Michael J. Roads

Introduction to Carolyn

It is with great pleasure I introduce my lovely wife Carolyn to our Michael Roads online community. I am proud and honoured that she is my wife; a person of constant inspiration and upliftment.
Carolyn is easy to describe as a ‘Wise Woman.’ As a person who has lived all her life from her intuition, she has developed a much deeper than average insight into life . . . and how to live it.

When Carolyn took her quantum leap in consciousness, she landed in the place of unconditional  Love. Because I have known her for many years, I witnessed first hand that prior to that ‘leap,’ her emotions were the ruler in her life. This changed almost abruptly when her heart opened to herself, which, in the way of unconditional Love, embraces all humanity.

Carolyn is a clear and  precise speaker, bubbling with enthusiasm and the energy of Love, engaging all those privileged to know her. Our online discussions will be hugely expanded and enhanced by her wise and loving perception.

Please welcome . . . my lovely wife, Carolyn.

I grew up in northern Ohio, USA in a rural community of corn fields and middle class families. My early adult years provided many changes, many ‘lifetimes’ in this one incarnation, as I moved though various passages of time and experience. For many years I worked on-camera, doing print ads, commercials, training films and voice-overs for radio and TV.

During this time Jimmy, my then husband, and I became increasingly obsessed with our spiritual path, leaving no stones unturned in our search for higher consciousness. On a whim, I purchased the book by Michael Roads, “Talking with Nature”, which spoke directly into my heart. I felt like I knew the author – I so deeply related to his unique, humble writing style.

In 1992 a mutual friend introduced Jimmy and I to Michael and his now late wife, Treenie, while Michael was in Ohio presenting evening talks. This was the beginning of a very deep and lasting friendship with the four of us, and we became Michael’s seminar organisers in America for the next 15 years.

I’ll fast forward to the mid-2000s, when after 26 years, Jimmy and I separated. After all the years of spiritual searching, none of it did the slightest bit of good in offering me an escape from my anguish, desperation and crippling fear. I begged for help from God and every ascended Being I could think of, as I was at the very lowest point of my life. And then . . . I had the most extraordinary experience. In a moment of grace, I felt as if I was falling backwards, detaching from all thought and emotion and found myself in this ‘space’ of pure peace and freedom, with a divine revelation of clarity that forever changed my life. Under my broken heart, I found the part of me that never breaks. In the ’twinkling of an eye’, I was ‘Home’.

A year later, on the first morning of our USA Retreat in 2006, Treenie died very suddenly with an abdominal aneurysm. Over the next year, the trauma of this experience catapulted Michael into another huge leap in consciousness, into the experience of Unconditional Love. For us both, our suffering became our healing.

When Michael arrived in America in 2007 we saw each other through new eyes. Over all the years we had been with each other through the best of times, and the worst of times. Suddenly and very unexpectedly and much to our surprise, our friendship Love turned into a romantic Love . . . a natural, very spontaneous Love that could not be denied. I immigrated to Australia in September of that year and we were married 2 weeks later.

When I was in my darkest hour, begging for help, I made a vow with an open, committed heart to whomever was listening. I vowed that if they helped me rise, I, in turn, would devote the rest of my life to helping people rise from suffering . . . with absolutely no platform with which to do this. None whatsoever, One year later, I was traveling around the world with Michael, doing just that. Life kept me to my word!

In Love and Light . . . Carolyn Roads

Interviews with Michael Roads

Interview for ‘Heart Led Humanity’

Interview by Caroline Ryan (Nov 2022)

Michael’s interview with Simon Deacon for Beyond Being Human

A 30-minute preview via YouTube (Nov 2022)

In the preview, Michael speaks on the difference between journeying in your light body and astral travel . . . moving away from false concepts and living in the lie of illusion . . . telepathy and energy signatures . . . energy is ageless; we are immortal and eternal.

Michael: “I’ve known Michael Ney for 45 years, and as the creator of Beyond Being Human, a Conscious Awakening Network and online community, I know that he has put his whole life to date into this. Please explore the link below, including my interview with Simon Deacon, and I’m sure you will find much that will interest you.”

The full 100-minute conversation is on the ‘Beyond Being Human’ website: CLICK HERE (it is necessary to become a member to view)

Michael Roads on changes happening right now

Interview by Lilou Mace (Dec 2020)

Michael Roads: Choose Love!

Interview by Patrick Kicken

Awakening True Abundance & Communicating with Nature

Interview by Lilou Mace

Another interview available via YouTube . . .

Read more about Michael . . .